Yue Hongzhi surveys Beijing Cancer Prevention & Treatment Society


On June 17, 2021, class-1 inspector of BAST Yue Hongzhi visited Beijing Cancer Prevention & Treatment Society to learn about the operational status of the society. Vice President and Secretary General of Beijing Association of Senior Scientists and Technologists Zhang Hongbo, deputy director of Beijing Service Center for Science and Technology Societies Tang Jin and class-4 researcher of BAST’s Department for Societies Affairs Zhou Ning accompanied Yue Hongzhi throughout the field survey. 

Executive Vice President of BCPTS Zhang He introduced the background of formation, organizational structure, working ideas, operation management and work results of the society. He also presented the IT-enabled office work process of the secretariat, which further increased the normalization, standardization and work efficiency of the society’s operation. 

Yue Hongzhi highly recognized the constant innovative development of BCPTS at work. He said this survey was highly fruitful and he had five feelings about the rapid development of the society within merely two years of establishment: first, “courage of trial and error”, as the society resolves problems by looking into problems and embraces challenges and new ways of work; second, “concentration”, as the secretariat’s personnel are all passionate about the undertakings of the society and constantly devote their energy to them; third, “in-house generation of ideas, as the society can not only pass on ideas but also constantly generate ideas in-house; fourth, “brand”, the society focuses on building high-end academic brands and its strong academic influence in the fields of discipline and industry can be felt in academic events held by the society such as Beijing widely-concerned academic achievements symposium (oncology session); fifth, “service”, as the society integrates service into management to meet the academic needs of experts and allow every expert to pinpoint their due academic position, thereby playing their role in uniting and leading sci-tech workers. Last, Yue Hongzhi wished the society greater achievements and hoped BASST could communicate more with BCPTS to learn from its useful experience at work.  

Related officers of the secretariat of BCPTS participated in the meeting. 

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