Yue Hongzhi surveys Beijing Association of Senior Scientists and Technologists


  On June 9, class-1 inspector of BAST Yue Hongzhi visited Beijing Association of Senior Scientists and Technologists (“BASST”) to understand operational status of BASST, in the company of deputy director of Beijing Service Center for Science and Technology Societies Wang Jian. Executive Vice President and Secretary General of BASST presided over the meeting. 

   At the meeting, deputy director of Beijing Service Center for Science and Technology Societies and Executive Vice Secretary-General of BASST Tang Jin presented the history, organizational structure, operational status of the 6th executive council and other aspects of BASST. Zhang Hongbo reported on current challenges to and next steps of BASST. 

   Yue Hongzhi spoke highly of the efforts made by the secretariat of BASST under the leadership of the new executive council. He pointed out that BAST highly values the talent work of senior scientists and technologists, expecting BASST to further play its role as a bridge and tie to organize senior scientists and technologists to better play their role in decision consulting, scientific and technological innovation, science popularization and promotion of science and technology at the service of general public according to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions regarding the work of China Association of Senior Scientists and Technologists, so as to make BASST more appealing, cohesive and influential to senior scientists and technologists. He emphasized that BASST is expected to further strengthen guidance of Party construction, promote integration between Party construction and its work, make greater efforts to involve its chapter members in learning and education of Party history, especially the important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the CAS &CAE academicians conference and the 10th national congress of CAST; to further improve its organizational structure and explore the possibilities of establishing specialized committees across disciplines, fields and specialties; to rely on the abundant resources of Beijing Service Center for Science and Technology Societies to better play its role of complementing the advantages of active and retired scientists and technologists, absorb individual members in a high-quality manner and constantly increase the cohesiveness of BASST to senior scientists and technologists.  

 Related officers of Beijing Service Center for Science and Technology Societies and the secretariat of BASST participated in the meeting. 

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